Comment by eszed
Calculating 8x12 in my head relies on a trick / technique - they call it "chunking", I believe, in the Common Core maths curriculum that US parents get so angry about - that (I'm also in my 40s) was never demonstrated in schools when we were kids. (They tried to make me memorize the 12x table, which I couldn't, so I calculated it my way instead; took a little longer, but not so much that anyone caught on that I wasn't doing what the teacher said.) I'd like to think I was smart enough to work it out for myself, but I suspect my dad showed it to me.
I'll show it to you, but first: are you able to add 80 + 16 in your head? (There's another trick to learn for that.)
96, easy. Lets go, real time math tutoring in the hackernews comments, 2025 baby! :D