Comment by eszed
12 is made up of a 10 and a 2.
What's 8 x 10? 80.
What's 8 x 2? 16.
Add 'em up? 96, baby!
They teach you to do math on paper from right to left (ones column -> tens column, etc), I find chunking works best if you approach from left to right. Like, multiply the hundreds, then the tens (and add the extra digit to the hundreds-total you already derived), then the ones place (ditto).
It's limited by your short-term memory. I can do a single-digit times anything up to maybe five digits. Two-digits by two digits, mostly. Three-digits times three digits I don't have the working memory for.
Seems my math teachers in't. That makes sense, I know how to write math out on paper and solve it, but then my instinct has always been to reach for that method mentally, so I literally draw a pen and paper in my imagination, and look at it and do the math and it takes way too long so I just give up, this seems like I can just learn more rules and then apply them, as long as I have the rules.
Thank you kindly for taking the time to teach me this! This thread has been one of the most useful things in a long ass time that's for sure. If I can ever be helpful to you, email is in the bio. :)