Ayesh 3 days ago

> made it worse.

I'd say this too. I'm giving LetsEncrypt 100% credit for making HTTPS so ubiquitous and free.

But CloudFlare certainly made things worse for "webmaster" era of the Internet, with everything centralized to CloudFlare. I live in Vietnam, and CloudFlare has made things super annoying with their captcha challenges everywhere.

Credit where it's due, CloudFlare pushed HTTP/2 and 3 adoption. More websites are available over IPv6, and their DNS is actually quite nice.

  • twothamendment 2 days ago

    I'm in the USA, but run Linux. I am getting tired of proving I'm not a bot. I'm on a static IP and they still can't figure out that I'm not a bot.

  • usr1106 2 days ago

    I don't think they have a CAPTCHA. CAPTCHAs make the users work, Google does this with their reCAPTCHA. The user has to to free work to help Google with their training of machine learning models. I absolutely hate to do work to increase Google's already outrageous profits and leave the page immediately unless it is very important for me to visit it.

    Cloudflare has something called Turnstyle where the browser needs to do work. It's a bit of energy waste, but smooth for the user. Unless their algorithm comes to an incorrect decision and doesn't let you in. Then it's infuriating. For me in Europe that seems to be rare, but I have no idea how well it works in Vietnam.

    • censorfree 2 days ago

      This can be a slippery slop into censorship! Or a corporate feudal divide up the Internet segments by geo-locations.

      Of course in general I do feel better about Cloudflare than Google making money.

    • oarsinsync 2 days ago

      > I don't think they have a CAPTCHA … Cloudflare has something called Turnstyle

      I believe CF Turnstyle was only released in 2024. I believe they used reCAPTCHA up to 2020, and then switched to hCaptcha. I believe hCaptcha continues to be offered.

      • usr1106 2 days ago

        Right, 1.0 might have been last year. But it was available (maybe called beta?) probably since 2018 at least. I have used Gitlab since 2018 and IIRC it had Turnstyle from the beginning. Gitlab have configured(?) it such that it comes at every login, but because it works automatically it has never been a problem for me. It wouldn't have worked on some phones, but I don't use phones for Gitlab.

        I wasn't aware that they have (had) alternative solutions. Probably because I've rarely seen them. Or if they used reCAPTCHA I got mad on Google, not noticing that Cloudflare had injected it.

stubish 3 days ago

Overall, certainly. There are some negative things people talk about that you might agree with, but look back at what the market was that they disrupted and continue to disrupt. I think that without Cloudflare your registrar would be GoDaddy and your SSL certificates would be from Verisign and your rents would be huge. Backbone wise, that would depend on your region.

  • ipaddr 3 days ago

    My registrar were different before and after godaddy existed and plenty of varieties existed. I find less exist now than during GoDaddy's heyday. But less people care about domain names as they stopped becoming a lottery ticket.

    My worries were paypal would take over but then came stripe.

    SSL certificates were from Verisign until letsencrypt offered thek free. I didn't see Cloudflare changing that market.

    Before them we had uunet and other backbone providers.

    Cloudflare made their name from ddos protection attacks. They made that market.

    • zuppy a day ago

      For DDOS there was and still is Prolexic/Akamai. Cloudflare did not made that market, they just took a big chunk of it. There are other big players too, like Google.

danielheath 3 days ago

I mean, maybe we would have found another solution to DDOS, but as someone who has had a pretty significant attack (on a service which is a clear public good) mitigated for free… it’s pretty nice being able to keep your services online in a hostile environment.

lostlogin 3 days ago

I don’t know the history here, do you have some examples?

My usage is pretty much limited to their DNS.

  • jsheard 3 days ago

    They're pretty reviled by people who go out of their way to be private via things like VPNs and locked down browsers, because that constantly trips their bot detection and makes using the web miserable.

    • chrismorgan 3 days ago

      And in places where CGNAT is in use, so that many people are on the same IP address, and botnets are active on that address.

      I live in India in such a situation, and most of the time it’s not too bad, but I still encounter Cloudflare CAPTCHAs pretty frequently. At times, it’s been almost half the web is blocking you. And occasionally, it actually is blocking you, not just a CAPTCHA. It’s also not rare, when being more aggressively blocked, for a site to break because it tries loading scripts from another domain, which is then CAPTCHAing so that scripts just won’t load.

      Back when I lived in Australia, I practically never got Cloudflare blocks.

      The mechanism may be understandable and even justifiable to a considerable extent, but the poor definitely end up suffering more from Cloudflare than the rich.

  • iamacyborg 3 days ago

    They’ve got a pretty long history of helping scammers and criminals.


    • Aeolun 3 days ago

      So the better internet is for everyone, is that so bad?

      I’d rather have them help everyone than make arbitrary decisions about who gets served. That’s what we have the legal system for.

      • lostlogin 3 days ago

        It gets into the weeds fast. I thought I was all for free speech, then the Christchurch terrorist shared his live stream of him killing people.

        The legal system is too slow and private companies have a dubious record of what they police. What’s a good model to follow?

      • bigfatkitten 2 days ago

        > I’d rather have them help everyone than make arbitrary decisions about who gets served. That’s what we have the legal system for.

        They don't get to have common carrier status without any of the regulation or obligations that go with it.

      • viraptor 2 days ago

        They also help the groups which sell DDoS services. And sell the DDoS protection. Even if we ignore their morally messed up choices, their business is both making things worse for everyone and sells the cure.

  • wbl 3 days ago

    There's a ton of sites that ISPs wouldn't sell service to if it wasn't for Cloudflare making it difficult to determine where those sites were. It's basically /dev/null for abuse reports.