Comment by imzadi

Comment by imzadi 4 days ago

15 replies

I live here and we are definitely looking toward impending water shortages, and no one care at all. Nestle is in the process of building a 200 acre coffee creamer factory. The major flower delivery services grow their flowers here. We have tons of cotton and alfalfa fields. There are 100s of golf courses and in the wealthier areas everyone has a lush green lawn.

0_____0 4 days ago

Sounds like a resource that isn't appropriately priced

  • syncsynchalt 3 days ago

    Water rights in the western US are mercenary. There's a healthy market in prior appropriation rights.

    Just because people don't like what the water is used for doesn't mean the water isn't priced appropriately. You'll still get farmers growing thirsty / pricey crops in the desert if it covers the cost of irrigation.

  • paustint 3 days ago

    We pay about $130/mo for water in north phoenix even if we don't use a drop.

    • 0_____0 2 days ago

      That's nuts. Is that just the customer fee?

  • amelius 4 days ago

    priced -> rationed

    • mrsilencedogood 4 days ago

      in capitalism, prices are literally how rationing happens. the theory is that it distributes the resources to those who can make them most productive. here, theoretically the water will be used more productively by chipmakers than by farmers, so the chipmakers will be able to out-bid the farmers and the water will be allocated to them. this is the "invisible hand" of the free market.

      • loeg 4 days ago

        Also worth pointing out that residential water uses like bathing/washing water and especially drinking water will easily outbid alfalfa farmers.

      • amelius 4 days ago

        No, rationing is the complete opposite and ensures that not just rich people can have access to a resource.

        This is basically why the word "rationing" exists in the first place.

        What good is being "productive" (whatever your definition of it) if poor people die from lack of access to water because chips need to exist.