bitdivision 4 days ago

I don't know, though certainly the experience is a lot simpler without the 15 minute timeout, painful login, and extra security checks I see on web banking.

Edit: Not to mention that many of the newer banks don't even have web banking. It's app only. Of course, its your choice to open an account there though

solarkraft 3 days ago

In Germany and I think the whole EU 2 factor authentication is mandatory, for which the favored implementation is an app. SMS TAN is out, the alternative is a secondary device you stick your card into.

  • Dylan16807 3 days ago

    Do you need a proprietary app for that? TOTP is fine, you can just pick your own.

    • TeMPOraL 3 days ago

      Haven't seen a bank offering software TOTP in Poland. Over a decade ago, before smartphones became ubiquitous, I've seen a bank offering a physical TOTP device. These days, as far as I've seen, it's either SMS codes or single use codes on a physical scratch cards (haven't seen one in 5 years, though), or in-app confirmation.

    • solarkraft 3 days ago

      Yes and they tend to be shoddily programmed security theater. My bank makes me use SecureGo plus, which goes as far as redirecting you to a website telling you screenshots aren’t allowed when you try to document its latest glitch (which may be another misguided “security” feature, who knows).

razemio 3 days ago

In Germany you can use the website BUT you still need the app for 2fa. SMS is no longer an option for most banks, because it is considered insecure. Same goes for TOTP since this can easily be replicated, if you have access to the device generating the TOTP.

sbuk 3 days ago

No, but there are bank accounts that are app only. Monzo in the UK is a popular example.