Comment by bayindirh
Comment by bayindirh 2 months ago
> How come that Windows still uses a 32 year old file system?
Simple. Because most of the burden is taken by the (enterprise) storage hardware hosting the FS. Snapshots, block level deduplication, object storage technologies, RAID/Resiliency, size changes, you name it.
Modern storage appliances are black magic, and you don't need much more features from NTFS. You either transparently access via NAS/SAN or store your NTFS volumes on capable disk boxes.
On the Linux world, at the higher end, there's Lustre and GPFS. ZFS is mostly for resilient, but not performance critical needs.
>ZFS is mostly for resilient, but not performance critical needs.
Los Alamos disagrees ;)
But yes, in general you are right, Cern for example uses Ceph: