bayindirh 2 months ago

I think what LLNL did predates GPUDirect and other new technologies came after 2022, but that's a good start.

CERN's Ceph also for their "General IT" needs. Their clusters are independent from that. Also CERN's most processing is distributed across Europe. We are part of that network.

Many, if not all of the HPC centers we talk with uses Lustre as their "immediate" storage. Also, there's Weka now, a closed source storage system supporting insane speeds and tons of protocols at the same time. Mostly used for and by GPU clusters around the world. You connect terabits to that cluster casually. It's all flash, and flat out fast.

  • ryao 2 months ago

    Did you confuse LANL for LLNL?

    • bayindirh 2 months ago

      It's just a typo, not a confusion, and I'm well beyond the edit window.