Comment by Desafinado
Comment by Desafinado 2 months ago
A good start is to avoid giving them a smartphone until they're in high school. And once they have a smartphone require them to get permission from you before installing any social media apps, with consequences if they don't follow the rules (take the phone away). Make the consequences known up front, rather than reactive so they know the guidelines regarding their phone use.
And whatever you do DO NOT give your child a handheld device (tablet or smartphone) before they're in high school. My wife and I are seeing parents give their two year olds a tablet which is absolutely detrimental to their development.
> I are seeing parents give their two year olds a tablet which is absolutely detrimental to their development.
My kid couldn't care less about using a tablet or other device if there is any other activity on the table. In other words, for them to reach the point of using, I have to be completely ignoring them.
Is it really the device that leads to developmental detriment, or parents who aren't involved in their childrens' lives?