Comment by 9rx

Comment by 9rx 2 months ago

2 replies

> I are seeing parents give their two year olds a tablet which is absolutely detrimental to their development.

My kid couldn't care less about using a tablet or other device if there is any other activity on the table. In other words, for them to reach the point of using, I have to be completely ignoring them.

Is it really the device that leads to developmental detriment, or parents who aren't involved in their childrens' lives?

M4v3R 2 months ago

Just because your child has been this way does not mean everyone’s is. I have a 3 year old and even though I have been very strict about screen time (tv or phone) - she watched her first cartoon just months before 2nd birthday - from the very beginning screens were hypnotizing for her. She would stop whatever she was doing once a screen was playing nearby. No amount of entertainment I would provide would make her look away. So it’s good for you that you don’t have this problem, but from my experience and from talking to others this is definitely a struggle for many.

  • Aeolun 2 months ago

    For what it’s worth. Mine was like this at 3, but at 6 he’ll definitely take playing super saiyan over watching them on TV.