Comment by MarkusWandel
Comment by MarkusWandel 2 months ago
I do miss it though.
20 years ago you could run your email domain on a machine in your basement and it would work. You could send out email and it would be received, and the incoming spam volume was manageable.
20 years ago, a buddy used an account on my net-connected Linux machine to scrape map tiles off Google Maps. Google put a stop to it, and Gmaps wouldn't work any more on my (static) IP address. I told him "you broke it, you fix it" and he got on the horn with someone at Google and got it unblocked.
20 years ago, you could go on an online dating site and have a serious hope of finding a real mate for life. I did. Several others I know did.
20 years ago, you could go on Facebook, and see what your friends were up to.
Sure, many things didn't exist back then. But it was a more innocent world. The internet was still an optimistic place.
The article doesn't seem to make it its mind about whether it was the web 20 or 25 years ago. Very different actually
- 20 years ago you could run your email domain on a machine in your basement
25 years ago there was a good chance you were on dialup and couldn't afford to run a server 24/7 from your basement
- 20 years ago, a buddy used an account on my net-connected Linux machine to scrape map tiles off Google Maps
25 years ago: Google Maps?
- 20 years ago, you could go on an online dating site and have a serious hope of finding a real mate for life
25 years ago: Women on the internet?
- 20 years ago, you could go on Facebook
25 years ago: Facebook?