Comment by concerndc1tizen
Comment by concerndc1tizen 2 months ago
It's hard to prove either way, for or against, because behaviors are different in different countries, age groups, apps, and so on. Maybe it works for some segments, but not others.
But I've met countless people, of both genders, who swore that dating apps is a waste of time, and money. They're designed to be gambling machines. The house always wins, which in this case means the customers keep coming back.
I've used dating apps in multiple countries. I always got to where I wanted to be in the dating game (a serious game at that) by being a bit strategic about it. I'm average looking too, at best. My cleft lip scar doesn't help.
I feel most people just don't have the right frame or set of beliefs of looking at it. To be fair, I can be pretty intense about it if that is what the situation requires. I found that most people can't match that intensity, the uncomfortableness overwhelms them. I've seen people close to my intensity, far under it and clearly above it. It's in my opinion a big determinant to fix dating issues when one experiences them.
That's my perspective anyway, it's a bit unique as my journey in it has been a bit unique, I daresay.