Comment by UniverseHacker
Comment by UniverseHacker 2 months ago
Personally, if I were dying and someone kept saying fake nonsense like "you are getting the best care" I'd probably cut off contact with them, or at least wish they would stop. I'd know I'm getting mediocre care like everyone else, that's also part of accepting the reality of the situation. I'd know my doctor probably graduated at the bottom of his/her class or else he/she wouldn't be an authorized provider on an HMO- and he/she probably can't understand or doesn't read the latest medical research on his/her own. And that probably doesn't matter one bit, because the "best care" wouldn't work either.
I might also want them to share technical ideas they think might help, or at least I would tell them if I wanted them to or not. If you decide to experiment on yourself, you can still accept the reality of a terminal illness. For me, that would be part of ending my life with dignity- knowing I sincerely tried to understand and solve the problem my own, and share what I learned with others, just like I did in the rest of my life.
The best care is not necessarily the best bleeding-edge treatment.
Most medical jobs are only possible at all (without burning out and destroying the person doing them) through them mostly acting in accordance with best practice and training.
The ultra-rich don't have markedly better survival from nasties like GBM than the rest of us, unfortunately, so if better exists, it's not something money can buy.
And where some degree of survival can indeed be bought, the medical industry does at least have a solid record of scaling it out to the professional classes, even if the poor go without.