Comment by UniverseHacker
Comment by UniverseHacker 2 months ago
> The best care is not necessarily the best bleeding-edge treatment
It's mostly a conceptual thing for me. As a technical person with a hacker/nerd/scientist mindset, I will not be able to trust someone that blindly follows official protocols from some authority they don't personally understand the reasoning or evidence behind.
For example- I do have a doctor that is a hacker/nerd/scientist that also teaches college biochem courses for fun on the side and he was about to prescribe me a medication, but then based on an offhand comment I had made, realized I've had a number of bad reactions to medications that he knew off the top of his head were metabolized by the same liver enzyme as this new medication. This guy keeps a book about drug metabolism biochemistry on his desk, and the cover is nearly worn off from use.
I most likely have a SNP in that enzyme, that would have given me another bad reaction. This is deep nerdy biochem knowledge he was not going to get from any official protocol that led to better and safer care. The biggest problem here is we like geeking out on this stuff so much, he almost forgets to actually treat me when I visit him.
I've had other doctors that even if I had noticed the potential P450 enzyme issue myself, would refuse to listen because they have a fundamentally non-technical mindset, combined with ego issues about being the expert- that are usually made worse not better if I mention that I have professional expertise and training on the underlying biology.
In truth, I'll admit it is both quite rare to get any real benefit, and legally risky for the doctor to deviate from guidelines based on direct knowledge or understanding.
> As a technical person with a hacker/nerd/scientist mindset, I will not be able to trust someone that blindly follows official protocols from some authority they don't personally understand the reasoning or evidence behind.
I recognize your appeal to community here, and I reject it: this isn't the hacker/nerd/scientist mindset, this is just you inverting the appeal to authority. Hackers/scientists don't accept statements as facts because they come from authority, but they also don't reject statements as facts because they come from authority. Authority is not a basis for accepting OR rejecting facts--authority is completely irrelevant in the establishment of whether something is factual. The hacker/scientist mindset doesn't require that the person in front of you understand the reasoning/evidence behind the protocol--it only requires that there exists valid reasoning/evidence behind the protocol.
Notably, in this case, the vague "some authority" you refer to is generally an organization that has collected a lot of reasoning and evidence on which to base their official protocols. The general practitioner doesn't understand all that reasoning and evidence because they can't--the human body is way too complex for one person to synthesize all the data on all the various things that could go wrong and treatments. Your general practitioner is merely there to execute treatment accurately, not to understand the treatment. Executing the treatment accurately is bloody hard enough.
If you don't trust the authority to do the research and come up with effective protocols, that's one thing, but if you don't trust the guy in front of you to execute the protocol accurately, because they don't understand all the reasoning behind it, it's you that's being irrational. Basing your opinions in reasoning and evidence is good; rejecting protocols which have been reasoned and evidenced because of some weird variant of identity politics isn't good.
Ask yourself this: Do you really understand how an OTC allergy pill works? Do you trust yourself to administer one to yourself? Why doesn't your hacker/nerd/scientist mindset prevent you from trusting yourself to administer a pill, then?