Comment by ibash
Comment by ibash 8 days ago
You should ask them if they want you playing doctor.
I have a chronic disease, not fatal, and totally manageable. But the most annoying thing is when someone finds out and suddenly pretends to be the expert.
Of course my doctors and I investigating it for years were completely wrong! I should’ve ate more apricots!
Please just check with them if they want their limited time spent like that.
dont get why that upsets you. I have had a chronic disease my whole life and one of the people who offered help completely saved my life.
If anyone else told me to eat apricots Id be grateful for their time and attention.
I would probably eat the apricots and tell them it was fantastic, even if it had no effect.
Sorry I just have rarely seen my friends or family offer any advice.
- Back to OP, Ive always remembered Paul Stamets recommending the stamets-7 mushroom blend with research papers talking about recession. no idea if it works.