Comment by codingdave

Comment by codingdave 5 hours ago

1 reply

Forget ads, SEO, and social media. Everyone is so used to low-value content and spam that they won't pay attention. And even if your intent to sell your SaaS is legit, it is still spam when you are sending it into web sites that aren't interested.

Instead, think about who your audience really is - where else do they read, listen, and talk? In my experience, the best marketing happens when you can answer that question.

My favorite anecdote is that one of the successful SaaS companies I worked at grew in part due to radio ads on NPR. That worked because our market was education, and people who are professional educators tended to listen to NPR.

It can be that simple - if you reject online ads and presence as a marketing tool, what else is left? That is probably where to invest marketing dollars and energy. Be different, not part of the online noise.

JohnMakin an hour ago

I personally have never had any kind of positive ROI from online ads - I'm skeptical many people do and have a conspiracy theory it's all a scam except for maybe a small percentage of users. I know factually this can't be true, but IME, I cannot fathom how anyone returns a positive ROI from online ads in this climate.