Comment by j_crick

Comment by j_crick 4 hours ago

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A phone is a very personal item that people interact with multiple times a day, and it's only natural to have strong opinions on how it should operate, or being angry about how it one day stops operating the way you got used to in previous years.

Changes like those mentioned by the author of the article may evoke emotions because people are people and run on emotions. Imagine how your favorite screwdriver or kitchen knife one day receives an automated remote software update and changes its handle shape or blade length, wouldn't that at least surprise you even a little bit? And what if changes were not to your liking and you couldn't get your favorite device back to a state in which you liked it far more?

That aside, I feel like if the author loved updating to never versions of iOS as much as they said without paying attention to the upcoming new features, then they probably shouldn't be that surprised by them.