Comment by matheusmoreira

Comment by matheusmoreira 4 hours ago

2 replies

There was no "coup attempt". There was a protest. Like many before it. Brazilians occupying Brasília buildings is essentially the standard brazilian protest. There's just no way you can convincingly claim that a thousand people armed with flags and bibles amounts to a coup or even an attempt at one. The only thing they did which you might object to was beg the military to launch an intervention.

The legal basis for that is a bit of brazilian law that dates back to our independence. It says the military is the so called "4th power", the "moderator power" which is supposed to intervene if the balance between the other three democratic powers gets too screwed up. That's exactly the situation we find ourselves in: unelected judge-kings that legislate and run the country. These protesters tried to invoke that bit of law by asking the brazilian military to intervene and put an end to it. They did not try to seize power for themselves, they asked the military to do it. The military refused to do it. Then they were arrested. Then the judges put them in a gulag.

Your comments have helped me in the past. Sad to see that you believe in this narrative.

o11c 3 hours ago

If it looks like a coup and quacks like a coup, don't tell me it's actually a sedan.

  • matheusmoreira an hour ago

    Can we not use duck typing logic to interpret the politics of a nation?

    They called the impeachment of one of our former presidents in 2016 a coup too. In fact, they still call it that to this day. It led to one of the Brasília protests to which I alluded in my reply. Amusingly, even back then there were calls for mililitary intervention. Those were never a big deal.–2016_protests_in_Brazil

    What these judges did certainly looks like a coup to me. As far as I'm concerned, they gave themselves limitless powers and installed a dictatorship of the judiciary in this country. There's no point in electing representatives when these unelected judge-kings "creatively interpret" the laws they create however they want. What you're calling a coup, I see as a desperate failed attempt to restore order to this place.

    See how fruitless it is? Everything looks like a coup to somebody.