Comment by matheusmoreira

Comment by matheusmoreira 3 hours ago

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Can we not use duck typing logic to interpret the politics of a nation?

They called the impeachment of one of our former presidents in 2016 a coup too. In fact, they still call it that to this day. It led to one of the Brasília protests to which I alluded in my reply. Amusingly, even back then there were calls for mililitary intervention. Those were never a big deal.–2016_protests_in_Brazil

What these judges did certainly looks like a coup to me. As far as I'm concerned, they gave themselves limitless powers and installed a dictatorship of the judiciary in this country. There's no point in electing representatives when these unelected judge-kings "creatively interpret" the laws they create however they want. What you're calling a coup, I see as a desperate failed attempt to restore order to this place.

See how fruitless it is? Everything looks like a coup to somebody.