Comment by ziml77

Comment by ziml77 3 hours ago

1 reply

Exactly. It's not a good idea to bypass policies at work. Just because you don't know why the policy is there or you disagree with the reason, it doesn't mean you can ignore the policy.

If you can't get your job done, then escalate the issue to your manager. You not being able to get your work done because of other teams is the kind of problem they're supposed to be solving.

ddulaney an hour ago

I think that statement is pretty short-sighted.

Bypassing corporate policy at work is risky. You might bring down negative consequences on yourself or your workplace. You have to understand what you are doing. You have to understand likely reactions.

But also, bypassing corporate policy can have benefits. If I'm more productive or get a reputation as the guy who gets things done or don't get seen as a complainer or just generally produce results because I bypassed a policy, those are all benefits. If I can transform "hey boss, it's gonna be another week on this project because I'm waiting on a policy exemption" to "here it is", that's a benefit.

You have to weigh whether the benefits outweigh the risks for you.