Comment by aaomidi

Comment by aaomidi 5 hours ago

6 replies

You’d think that a company shipping a browser would pay a little more attention to security rules.

Also, shame on firebase for not making this a bit more idiot proof.

And really? $2500? That’s it? You could’ve owned literally every user of Arc… The NSA would’ve paid a couple more zeros on that.

nemomarx 5 hours ago

Are there a lot of Arc users? It seems like a pretty niche browser even compared to other niches.

  • viraptor an hour ago

    Lots of developers and power users make a good chunk of Arc's use base. If you're after some interesting credentials then "every Arc user" is a perfect group with little noise.

    • nicce an hour ago

      > power users

      Not that many. Most power users don't like to be forced for logging in, before they are able to use the browser.

      • sulandor 33 minutes ago


        i don't even like logging in WHILE using the browser and have never heard of arc

  • shepherdjerred 4 hours ago

    Having arbitrary browser access would be pretty valuable, even for just a small number of users.