Comment by nicce

Comment by nicce 3 hours ago

3 replies

> power users

Not that many. Most power users don't like to be forced for logging in, before they are able to use the browser.

doix 2 hours ago

If I had to guess, the typical Arc user is a Mac user in tech. It doesn't run on Linux, most windows users wouldn't run it, and non-tech people haven't heard of it.

Then most engineering IC people will most likely run Firefox or Chrome, so you're probably looking at designers/founders/managers as your target.

Probably some interesting targets there, but not the type that the NSA cares about. Just pure conjecture on my part of course ;).

  • umanwizard 2 hours ago

    The only person I ever saw using Arc was a designer at a tech startup, so this checks out.

sulandor 3 hours ago


i don't even like logging in WHILE using the browser and have never heard of arc