Comment by bubaumba

Comment by bubaumba 4 hours ago

4 replies

I played with it years ago, but it's still alive and well
These days not sure, hard to find computer with parallel port. Combined version with microcontroller like raspberry pico (which costs < $10) should be the right way to do it. Hard real time, WiFi remote for cheap. Then computer doesn't need to be fat or realtime, almost anything, including smartphone.
GeorgeTirebiter 2 hours ago

USB to Parallel are common. so, easy.

  • cwillu 2 hours ago

    A “real” parallel port provides interrupts on each individual data line of the port, _much_ lower latency than a USB dongle can provide. Microseconds vs milliseconds.

    • bubaumba 16 minutes ago

      I think it's possible do to it all on raspberry pico. Having pico doing low level driving and javascript in browser taking high level, feeding pico and providing UI. That would be close to perfect solution