Comment by cwillu

Comment by cwillu 3 hours ago

3 replies

A “real” parallel port provides interrupts on each individual data line of the port, _much_ lower latency than a USB dongle can provide. Microseconds vs milliseconds.

YZF an hour ago

A standard PC parallel port does not provide interrupts on data lines.

The difference is more that you can control those output lines with really low latency and guaranteed timing. USB has a protocol layer that is less deterministic. So if you need to generate a step signal for a stepper motor e.g. you can bit bang it a lot more accurately through a direct parallel port than a USB to parallel adapter (which is really designed for printing through USB and has very different set of requirements).

  • cwillu an hour ago

    Are you sure about that? I'd have bet money that the input lines have an interrupt assigned, and googling seems to agree.

bubaumba 2 hours ago

I think it's possible do to it all on raspberry pico. Having pico doing low level driving and javascript in browser taking high level, feeding pico and providing UI. That would be close to perfect solution