Comment by Simran-B

Comment by Simran-B 5 hours ago

3 replies

What about WGSL though, the shader language of WebGPU? WebGPU is kind of Vulkan lite, but unlike with Vulkan, Apple is on board and actually the reason why WGSL exists as yet another shading language.

jsheard 5 hours ago

What about it? Nobody wanted WGSL, it's just an artifact of having to appease Apple during WebGPUs development as you say. I don't see why it would be adopted for anything else.

The old WebGPU meeting notes have some choice quotes from (IIRC) Unity and Adobe engineers literally begging the committee not to invent a new shader language.

pjmlp 5 hours ago

WebGPU, like WebGL, is a decade behind the native APIs it is based on.

No one asked for a new Rust like shading language that they have to rewrite their shaders on.

Also contrary to FOSS circles, most studios don't really care about Web 3D, hence why streaming is such a thing for them.

There have been HLSL to SPIR-V compilers for several years now, this is Microsoft own official compiler getting SPIR-V backend as well.