Comment by a12k

Comment by a12k 8 hours ago

35 replies

I was really excited to get mine! It is neat. I got it and it has been in my drawer almost exclusively. I have done exactly two things with mine:

* Opened my friend's Tesla battery charge hatch from a distance for fun (it closes again on its own after maybe 30 seconds)

* Recorded a lamp's IR remote on/off/up/down toggles and used the Flipper to turn on the lamp, rather than using the IR remote, to try to debug whether the remote was going bad or if there was a problem with the lamp (it was the lamp itself)

And I tried, unsuccessfully, to:

* Read my dog's microchip data

Otherwise, I haven't found any use for it. I really wanted to like it. I did a search to see if there was anything interesting to do with it that I was missing, and basically it's what I did (or failed to do) above. Some people also use it to change TV channels at restaurants as a prank it looks like.

fullstop 7 hours ago

1/4th of my cats have microchips. They were moderately annoyed as I scanned them.

The whole microchip registry thing is a mess, though. There's no authoritative database and I'm certain that the database entry for my cat is at some shelter where he was briefly held. I have no way of updating this data without paying a subscription fee, so that's out of the question.

Outside of IR remotes and popping tesla ports, I have used it to emulate RFID tags. I don't have enough free time to really utilize it appropriately.

Cat tax: -- He is sleeping where he really should not be sleeping.

  • shagie 7 hours ago

    Here's a ML problem for someone to consider tackling ... given a cat picture, identify all of the relevant cat subs that it might get posted in. This could be applied to dogs too... but cats rule the internet ( )

  • jimt1234 5 hours ago

    > The whole microchip registry thing is a mess, though.

    That is, unfortunately, correct ^^^ I went through this with my dog. I was told to find out which services your local animal control and humane society use, and make sure your pet is added to those registries. Yes, some charge $$$, but the registries recommended to me were free.

    If your pet ends up with animal control, and they can't find the chip registration, getting your pet back can be a nightmare.

    • fullstop 5 hours ago

      And if you move across the country the local animal control / humane society may use different registries.

      It's a great idea, in theory, but it's opened up a world where the possibility of scam registries can exist.

      I've considered the challenges of an open and public registry, but allowing the public to access it is problematic as there is no way to validate the entries and you would be handling people's contact information. It might be an actual use of a distributed blockchain / public ledger.

      • 0cf8612b2e1e 4 hours ago

        Maybe there is no need for a centralized database of contact information, but there could be one for found pets.

        Single resource. Any vet/shelter/guy with a RFID scanner can report found pet with this barcode at approximately this location. If you know this pet, contact us here. Presumably only vets and shelters would be adding to the database, so all of the contact information is already public. People who have lost their pets can then monitor this location/sign up for alerts after you lose Fluffy.

        Not as great as being able to immediately lookup the owner, but eliminates some privacy concerns.

      • miki123211 3 hours ago

        You couldn't do this with current chips I don't think, but if you had at least 256 bytes of randomness on the chip, you could.

        The simplest way to do this would be to use the random data for an EC25519 private key, which would be used to encrypt the data[1] and then sign the encrypted blob plus an unencrypted timestamp. The registry would be a mapping of public keys to encrypted records. Updates could be accomplished by sending a record with a greater timestamp, which would then be propagated to other nodes.

        You could also put a DHT on top of that to minimize storage requirements, perhaps also a PoW scheme for sibil resistance.

        [1] EC doesn't technically do encryption, but that can be worked around by attaching a public key for an ephemeral keypair for your message, doing a DH against the two keypairs, and using the resulting secret as a key for symmetric encryption.

      • jimt1234 3 hours ago

        Or, why have a registry at all? Can't the chip itself hold a few bytes of data for a phone number? I don't know anything about these "chips", but I have to imagine that's possible.

  • aftbit 7 hours ago

    There is no single authoritative database, but it works kinda like MAC addresses, in that the microchip prefix tells the system who made the chip, which tells them which database to look you up in. You should be able to get the shelter to update the database to match your contact information for you free of charge. At least our shelter was willing to do so. They already have to pay the fee, so why not?

okdood64 7 hours ago

Do you know if I can emulate car keys with it? Say a relatively modern BMW? Or is there some safety mechanism.

(Not for nefarious purposes, but just in case I can’t find my keys.)

  • obituary_latte 7 hours ago

    Not natively. There is other firmware out there, though, that allows such functionality. Depending on where you live, it may be illegal to even try, though, hence the native firmware locking out such use (you can record or visualize but not save/replay).

    • echoangle 6 hours ago

      Just recording and replaying wouldn’t help you anyways, the code is rolling to prevent replay attacks.

      • virtue3 5 hours ago

        I think if you have enough replays you can deconstruct the rolling code. Not sure.

        Also there are ways to desync/resync your key so you might be able to “add a key” with the flipper with certain firmwares.

        Cloning the current key and using it can desync it from your car. Super annoying. Be careful

      • FridgeSeal 3 hours ago

        Plenty of devices use the Keeloq protocol for rolling codes which is pretty straightforward to break in modern hardware.

  • dumah 7 hours ago

    Emulating the rolling code protocol would desync your keys.

    What ever device you’d want to use as a backup would need to capture information sent from the vehicle during the last unlock.

  • jrussino 6 hours ago

    I'd love to have this, mainly so that I could have a single dongle on my keychain for both my and my wife's car. I know others have said that there are issues around rolling codes. But it's possible to get official duplicate / replacement keys; how does that work?

  • Rebelgecko 5 hours ago

    IIRC it's somewhat possible but for some cars if you do it wrong it makes the car and key go out of sync which causes a lot of issues

  • fullstop 7 hours ago

    Don't do it. The key can easily get messed up if the rolling code isn't handled appropriately.

    • askvictor 6 hours ago

      So an attacker can cause your car keys not to work?

      • fullstop 6 hours ago

        Yes, as well as gain access to your vehicle. This has been reported on quite a bit over the last couple of years.

  • aftbit 7 hours ago

    So far I have not been able to emulate the keys on either of my cars, a 2001 Ford Ranger and a 2019 Subaru Outback. I think the Ranger is probably possible, but I haven't figured it out yet.

bowmessage 7 hours ago

Can you emulate common TV IR blaster protocols without first recording them?

I used to have an LG G4 android phone with a TV remote app built in- with just the TV manufacturer information, I could change the channel / volume in all sorts of useful places (the gym, etc.). I miss this feature often.

  • bigiain 2 hours ago


    "Flipper Zero has a built-in library of signals for common TVs, ACs, projectors, and stereo systems brands. This library is regularly updated with new signals, thanks to the Flipper Zero community's active contributions to the IR Remote database."

    (from the flipper zero homepage)

    I've successfully used mine as a "TVbGone", switching off all the TVs in a bar...

  • pizza 7 hours ago

    For God knows why reason, the original PSPs used to come with an IR LED. I put a homebrew program on my PSP that let you control it, and fed it a txt file with thousands of TV IR codes. What a blast!

xvector 8 hours ago

Same experience here. I don't blame the Flipper, though, only my own lack of creativity and energy.