Comment by jimt1234

Comment by jimt1234 5 hours ago

6 replies

> The whole microchip registry thing is a mess, though.

That is, unfortunately, correct ^^^ I went through this with my dog. I was told to find out which services your local animal control and humane society use, and make sure your pet is added to those registries. Yes, some charge $$$, but the registries recommended to me were free.

If your pet ends up with animal control, and they can't find the chip registration, getting your pet back can be a nightmare.

fullstop 5 hours ago

And if you move across the country the local animal control / humane society may use different registries.

It's a great idea, in theory, but it's opened up a world where the possibility of scam registries can exist.

I've considered the challenges of an open and public registry, but allowing the public to access it is problematic as there is no way to validate the entries and you would be handling people's contact information. It might be an actual use of a distributed blockchain / public ledger.

  • 0cf8612b2e1e 4 hours ago

    Maybe there is no need for a centralized database of contact information, but there could be one for found pets.

    Single resource. Any vet/shelter/guy with a RFID scanner can report found pet with this barcode at approximately this location. If you know this pet, contact us here. Presumably only vets and shelters would be adding to the database, so all of the contact information is already public. People who have lost their pets can then monitor this location/sign up for alerts after you lose Fluffy.

    Not as great as being able to immediately lookup the owner, but eliminates some privacy concerns.

  • miki123211 3 hours ago

    You couldn't do this with current chips I don't think, but if you had at least 256 bytes of randomness on the chip, you could.

    The simplest way to do this would be to use the random data for an EC25519 private key, which would be used to encrypt the data[1] and then sign the encrypted blob plus an unencrypted timestamp. The registry would be a mapping of public keys to encrypted records. Updates could be accomplished by sending a record with a greater timestamp, which would then be propagated to other nodes.

    You could also put a DHT on top of that to minimize storage requirements, perhaps also a PoW scheme for sibil resistance.

    [1] EC doesn't technically do encryption, but that can be worked around by attaching a public key for an ephemeral keypair for your message, doing a DH against the two keypairs, and using the resulting secret as a key for symmetric encryption.

  • jimt1234 2 hours ago

    Or, why have a registry at all? Can't the chip itself hold a few bytes of data for a phone number? I don't know anything about these "chips", but I have to imagine that's possible.

    • Eisenstein an hour ago

      Why would a phone number be useful as a permanent ID for a pet? What if it is rehomed or the owner changes their number? A UUID with a central database or a public/private key with a decentralized database are much better solutions for that.

      • jkestner 15 minutes ago

        True, your social security number would make more sense as the primary key.