Comment by jasoncartwright

Comment by jasoncartwright a day ago

2 replies

This situation sounds like Europe (& the UK) two or three years ago. Plentiful well maintained, fast and convenient chargers have sprung up since from a wide variety of operators (electricity companies, oil companies, startups, plus Tesla).

We standardised on CCS a while ago.

Many chargers are even faster than Tesla Superchargers whilst supporting the plug-and-charge standard ISO 15118. They are often surprisingly cheap too.

zelos a day ago

I was surprised just how good charger provision is in Europe. On a recent 1600 mile road trip we never had a problem finding 350kW chargers. There were always plenty of spaces free and I saw one broken charger the whole time - it maxed out at ~70kW instead of 230kW - but I just moved to the next charger in the row.

  • pornel a day ago

    The EU charging infrastructure is pretty good now.

    Tesla has no advantage here, except maybe good car navigation integration. Most Tesla Superchargers are still 400V v2 which are slower than 300kW/800V Ionity and Fastned chargers.