Comment by moomoo11

Comment by moomoo11 a day ago

3 replies

As a technical person, swe and founder, I would never join as a “founding engineer” for 1% equity. Or less (most people are stingy and offer some bs)

Especially not for someone completely non technical.

Especially not if that person is not someone I can respect (expert in the field, has impressive track record, and i feel they can actually rally a team) to succeed at all costs.

Founding engineers might as well stay at a FANG/good company or do their own thing than waste time. IMO.

You have a better chance of becoming a billionaire founder than winning the lottery. Keep that as motivation lol.

icedchai 13 hours ago

Some people don't want to work at large companies and deal with 20 levels of hierarchy and BS.

  • moomoo11 11 hours ago

    They should start their own companies as a founder or co-founder then.