Comment by journal

Comment by journal a day ago

4 replies

Yes, this initiative has been fueled by hate directed towards Intuit and the overall accounting community for refusing to advance. It's like playing AoE with a noob who's refusing to advance to the next age because there will be more units, technologies, and strategies to manage. Most businesses have one accountant, which means this entire profession is one initiative away from not existing at all. There's no excuse for a modern accountant to not know at least SQL.

The patterns and practices that I demonstrate in the solution are nothing genius, it just took a while to put it all together, and it's very basic. Just one table with credit/debit columns, rows of which have to be organized into a transaction and linked with user-actions, like creating invoice, receiving payment, adjusting inventory, really anything, including foreign transactions.

When the calculator was invented, we didn't get stuck with a bunch of "calculator-operator" professions, so why does accounting get to stay stagnant?

tonyedgecombe 18 hours ago

In the UK with have a concept called a micro entity in the tax code. Micro entities have some fairly strict constraints on them (10 employees or less, turnover under £350,000, no foreign currency transactions and so on). Within those constraints the rules are fairly simple and most importantly HMRC provides online forms for filing your books.

I always wondered about starting from those constraints and working back to a basic accounting solution for your typical business person. It would probably cover 90% of the companies in the UK as most of them have really simple requirements.

Luckily I retired before I got around to it.

xupybd a day ago

Keep up the passion!

What are your thoughts on plain text accounting? I know it's not really for businesses applications and really not for accountants but that's how I learnt accounting basics. I find that approach much better as I have total control of the structure. I suspect your application provides a similar level of control as the end company has to implement the details.

  • journal a day ago

    I've thought about separating the journal into a command-line application, where the end result might look exactly like plain text accounting, a sorta like ffmpeg for accounting. Plain text is part of my backup strategy.

    If plain text are roads, then my approach is rail roads. A strict set of application logic so the operator doesn't get overwhelmed and is capable of managing large number of transactions at higher speeds of entry.

    Then, it's just a matter of building more rail roads for any additional functionality. Once built, you'd probably never have to touch that code again.

7bit a day ago

> It's like playing AoE with a noob who's refusing to advance to the next age

I will steal that, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!