Comment by xupybd

Comment by xupybd a day ago

1 reply

Keep up the passion!

What are your thoughts on plain text accounting? I know it's not really for businesses applications and really not for accountants but that's how I learnt accounting basics. I find that approach much better as I have total control of the structure. I suspect your application provides a similar level of control as the end company has to implement the details.

journal a day ago

I've thought about separating the journal into a command-line application, where the end result might look exactly like plain text accounting, a sorta like ffmpeg for accounting. Plain text is part of my backup strategy.

If plain text are roads, then my approach is rail roads. A strict set of application logic so the operator doesn't get overwhelmed and is capable of managing large number of transactions at higher speeds of entry.

Then, it's just a matter of building more rail roads for any additional functionality. Once built, you'd probably never have to touch that code again.