dspillett a day ago

My two problems with it were/are:

1. Gratuitous overuse often in inappropriate places (bad news from work, invitation to a funeral, etc.)

2. The fact that it was optimised in its hinting for low resolution screens common around the time of its creation (and its initial target, via MS Bob) making it not optimal for higher resolutions (in print, or on more modern higher resolution screens with or without sub-pixel rendering). If you are going to use that sort of font, I think there are better choices than Comic Sans itself (unless CS has had updates over the years, which, come to think of it, is not unlikely).

If you really want to wind up people who care too much about what fonts you use, try combining the two most overuses and disliked with Comic Papyrus: https://creativemarket.com/blog/designer-combines-papyrus-an... (since renamed Comic Parchment due to litigious arseholery).

  • magnetowasright a day ago

    Funeral invitation in comic sans (or your combo punch of comic sans + papyrus) is absolutely my vibe, brb gotta update my will to stipulate this

    Jokes aside, I see a lot of either font on local small businesses' branding and it definitely makes an impression, for better or (usually) worse. I'm probably missing out on some great local businesses because I've written them off without really thinking about it until now because of using either font.

  • adastra22 a day ago

    > inappropriate places

    You're begging the question. Why is it inappropriate?

    • mannykannot a day ago

      Begging the question? It appears to be an opinion, and it is definitely not an argument.

      • adastra22 a day ago

        Start of thread:

        > I actually really like Comic Sans and that style of font. Don't understand the haters!

        Then you replied saying among other things that its use is inappropriate in many contexts.

        But that’s circular. why is it deemed inappropriate?

    • dspillett a day ago

      Well, I gave two examples of many possibilities. To go into a bit more detail on them:

      Bad news from work in a jovial friendly font like comic sans would be inappropriate from the view of entirely failing to show empathy and read the room. A typeface like that on a 0% pay rise, redundancy notice, or news that the team had lost a significant contract would be an extra slap in the face. I have seen this sort of thing. The level of incredulity that could be read into your reply begs a question or two back: do you really think it might be appropriate?, and if so: why?

      The funeral notice is more of a grey area as it depends on the person being funed. I don't think many would want comic sans used in that context, I know I wouldn't, but of course some might, and may even request it. Heck, if they requested bright rainbow striped Ransom Note Extra Bold with added porn windings, darn well use that. It is their funeral, after all.

meowface a day ago

I don't know if I'm unique or something, but Radon is extremely painful for me to look at and makes everything harder to read. It makes me feel like I'm dyslexic or something. I currently use Fira Code and find that very easy to read and look at.

  • jihadjihad a day ago

    It’s not just you. A few weeks ago I saw the “noble gas” fonts here on HN and gave them a try, ended up going back to JetBrains Mono. Still haven’t found one that can reliably displace it—even my prior daily driver, Fira Code!

    • jnrk a day ago

      I've taken the Coding Font blind test tournament a couple of times the last years, and I somehow always end up with Fira Code as the winner.


    • cy_hauser a day ago

      Try Hack. I've tried many including Jetbrains Mono and Fira Code. Both are really good but I drifted back to Hack. It just hits a comfortable place for me.

      • meowface a day ago

        Maybe I just need more time getting used to them, but I just tried installing JetBrains Mono and Hack and switched between them + Fira Code a bunch and I still prefer Fira Code.

card_zero a day ago

I just don't like it as a comic handwriting font. Something about its character, or lack of character. It should feel lively and impish, but instead it feels lame and half-dead, to me. There's all these attempts at quirkiness like the 'C' with its irregular curve and little hook, but they all fall flat, they don't seem natural, they don't have rhythm. It gives me a feeling like I've been handed a weak joke and I'm expected to read it aloud.

perelin a day ago

My daily driver for the last year or so. But it really is an acquired taste. Some colleagues love it and now use it as well, some hate looking at it and comment on it every time I share my screen.

replete a day ago

The 'l' looks like a 'Z' to me, have you just got used to this?

aidenn0 a day ago

I find the Radon font to make the l and i characters look too much like an oblique z character.

core_dumped a day ago

All of the Monaspace fonts are really well done.

But Krypton is the best :P

  • jsheard a day ago

    The "texture healing" feature is really clever, I hope that catches on in more mono fonts.

bbarnett a day ago

Obviously this stuff is personal, so if you like, awesome. For me, my first thought was "what about italics"?