Comment by meowface

Comment by meowface a day ago

5 replies

I don't know if I'm unique or something, but Radon is extremely painful for me to look at and makes everything harder to read. It makes me feel like I'm dyslexic or something. I currently use Fira Code and find that very easy to read and look at.

jihadjihad a day ago

It’s not just you. A few weeks ago I saw the “noble gas” fonts here on HN and gave them a try, ended up going back to JetBrains Mono. Still haven’t found one that can reliably displace it—even my prior daily driver, Fira Code!

  • jnrk a day ago

    I've taken the Coding Font blind test tournament a couple of times the last years, and I somehow always end up with Fira Code as the winner.

  • cy_hauser a day ago

    Try Hack. I've tried many including Jetbrains Mono and Fira Code. Both are really good but I drifted back to Hack. It just hits a comfortable place for me.

    • meowface a day ago

      Maybe I just need more time getting used to them, but I just tried installing JetBrains Mono and Hack and switched between them + Fira Code a bunch and I still prefer Fira Code.