bpshaver a day ago

Yeah, just because it can do that doesn't mean that it is good design.

  • gwking 17 hours ago

    It is the design of JSON! Which is a reflection of the same dynamic typing choice made in the original design of Javascript.

    • mrguyorama 14 hours ago

      They, uh, still aren't wrong hah.

      Tell me again why we somehow standardized on sending the equivalent of JSObject.toString() for everything? Especially when "standardized" isn't

  • gpderetta 18 hours ago

    how would you represent an arbitrary JSON array in python then? A potentially heterogeneous list seems the obvious solution.

    • bpshaver 12 hours ago

      Why would I want to do that? I'm rarely ingesting arbitrary JSON. Rather I'm designing my data structures in a sensible way and then maybe serializing them to JSON. Just because JSON can represent heterogenous lists doesn't mean it is a good idea to use heterogenous lists in my programs.