gwking 17 hours ago

It is the design of JSON! Which is a reflection of the same dynamic typing choice made in the original design of Javascript.

  • mrguyorama 13 hours ago

    They, uh, still aren't wrong hah.

    Tell me again why we somehow standardized on sending the equivalent of JSObject.toString() for everything? Especially when "standardized" isn't

gpderetta 18 hours ago

how would you represent an arbitrary JSON array in python then? A potentially heterogeneous list seems the obvious solution.

  • bpshaver 12 hours ago

    Why would I want to do that? I'm rarely ingesting arbitrary JSON. Rather I'm designing my data structures in a sensible way and then maybe serializing them to JSON. Just because JSON can represent heterogenous lists doesn't mean it is a good idea to use heterogenous lists in my programs.