Show HN: GitNotebooks – Jupyter Notebook Review Tool


20 points by smith-kyle a day ago


Hey HN, would love some feedback on our Jupyter Notebook review tool!

We help data science teams check one another's work and share knowledge that's stored in Jupyter Notebooks.

Currently, we integrate with GitHub, allowing for review comment submissions, pull request approval, comments on markdown and code cells that sync with GitHub.

Happy to answer any questions!

vector_spaces a day ago

My immediate thoughts are:

- this landing page needs an indication of how to get started using this, and it should be low friction. I see there's a sign in button -- it should probably say "get started" or similar.

- you need to explain your pricing model and what it takes to get started using this: is it a browser plugin? A separate / parallel platform? Does anything need to be installed? Is it as simple as authing to your platform with gh?

- clarity on whether this works for private repos -- prospects will be wondering this. Presumably it does otherwise it's not very useful

- for your target audience, you need some lip service explaining why someone would want this -- lots of the people you are targeting don't use PR oriented development flows, sadly

- clarity on whether pr comments / approvals / etc live in GitHub vs your platform, what does / doesn't get mapped over, etc.

You don't need to answer these questions here, this is just what your prospects will be thinking

sixhobbits 15 hours ago

Is this just a copy of reviewnb which has been around for years?

If this is new I'm doubtful you already have all those logos as your customers. It doesn't build trust to make claims if they aren't true.

  • smith-kyle 11 hours ago

    We've been around for a couple years now, wouldn't lie about the dev sign ups :)

samuelstros a day ago

are you running into issues while building on top of git & github? i assume that you need to teach data science people git/github

  • smith-kyle 11 hours ago

    Most data scientists know git! Or, at the very least, how to follow a step-by-step git guide.

    If notebooks are tracked anywhere at an org it's either where their code is stored (GitHub/GitLab), or in their managed notebook environment (Databricks/Hex)

    • samuelstros 10 hours ago

      interesting. that was not the case in 2019 when i did a bit of data science.