Comment by vector_spaces

Comment by vector_spaces a day ago

1 reply

My immediate thoughts are:

- this landing page needs an indication of how to get started using this, and it should be low friction. I see there's a sign in button -- it should probably say "get started" or similar.

- you need to explain your pricing model and what it takes to get started using this: is it a browser plugin? A separate / parallel platform? Does anything need to be installed? Is it as simple as authing to your platform with gh?

- clarity on whether this works for private repos -- prospects will be wondering this. Presumably it does otherwise it's not very useful

- for your target audience, you need some lip service explaining why someone would want this -- lots of the people you are targeting don't use PR oriented development flows, sadly

- clarity on whether pr comments / approvals / etc live in GitHub vs your platform, what does / doesn't get mapped over, etc.

You don't need to answer these questions here, this is just what your prospects will be thinking