ezekg 2 days ago

My point was that Redis' bet on cloud vendors paying them seems to be failing.

  • rsstack 2 days ago

    It is unfortunately not failing them ("unfortunately" because I very much dislike the path they took). They lost Heroku, which also didn't pay them before the license change, but they got others. I don't know if the information is public.

  • kelsey98765431 2 days ago

    When will these money hungry vultures realize that you cannot transition a foss "brand" into a proprietary system no matter how you pitch the tree tier? You can't have your name recognition and eat it too. These groups don't realize that "NewThing from the developers of Redis" holds so much more weight than "Redis is now closed source and you have to pay for it"? There is a net negative value in detonating the bomb that is a license change versus making something new and throwing the existing name's support behind it. Just look at literally every well known license changed software becoming irrelevant while the foss fork with a new name has no problem getting traction? Just look at the graveyard of Solaris, OpenOffice and others. The open source community deeply despises these relicensing scams and has proven time and time again not to fall for ignorant consumer brand identity marketing tactics?

    • wmf 2 days ago

      These companies are backed into a corner. Even if they "realize" that they are doomed the investors won't allow them to just shut down.

      "NewThing from the developers of Redis" holds so much more weight than "Redis is now closed source and you have to pay for it"

      I disagree with this part. The problem we're now seeing with open core is that almost everybody just wants the core. They don't want enterprise. They don't want the new thing.

      • JoshTriplett 2 days ago

        In this case, it's "Valkey, from the developers of Redis", and everybody wants the new thing. Because the people working on Valkey are in fact the people who worked on Redis before it went proprietary.

    • phoronixrly 2 days ago

      My guy, the money-hungry vultures are more so the ones exploiting open-source without contributing anything back -- not even financially, let alone development or maintenance.

      It's high time permissive OSS licenses died together with free maintenance and support.

      • toenail 2 days ago

        Both sides are leeching off somebody, one off a project that picked the wrong license, and the other off contributors who were mislead about a project's licensing intentions.

        • phoronixrly 2 days ago

          Oh, by no means am I belittling the rug-pull performed on the unpaid/non-commissioned? contributors.