Comment by rsstack

Comment by rsstack 2 days ago

4 replies

It is unfortunately not failing them ("unfortunately" because I very much dislike the path they took). They lost Heroku, which also didn't pay them before the license change, but they got others. I don't know if the information is public.

bloppe 2 days ago

I'm torn on the moral issues of the re-licensing, but I'm firmly happy about the practical implications. Redis vs. Valkey is as competitive as it gets, since users can switch between the two so seamlessly (for now, at least). That's good for the industry. I expect to see a flurry of improvements to both in the coming years as they try to come out on top (some may be redundant, but I nonetheless think the pace will be faster).

ezekg 2 days ago

Yeah, I guess I'm speaking from a sample size of 1 here since they don't share this information (and I'm too lazy to look around at what other cloud vendors are doing i.r.t. Valkey vs Reddit).

What "others" did they get, that you're aware of?