Comment by borski

Comment by borski 2 days ago

3 replies

(a) Disrupt Hezbollah’s communications network and take out operatives.

(b) The pagers were specifically distributed to Hezbollah operatives, not civilians. It targeted, by definition, the owners of those pagers, supporting the military objective.

(c) It was limited, by definition. This contained tiny amount of explosives, focused very much on targeting the owner of the device, not “civilians or civilian objects without distinction” (from military objectives).

No violation here.

spondylosaurus 2 days ago

An explosive going off in a grocery store while people shop is "limited, by definition"?

  • borski 2 days ago

    A 30g explosive going off in a device that is owned by a militant? Yes, that is limited, by definition.

    Once again, people in that grocery store who were standing near the militant mostly walked away - you can see that on nearly every video that has been released.

    A non-targeted attack would have been a rocket hitting the grocery store. This was, by definition, a targeted attack. Even if a person had stood there and shot the militant directly, and there had been a civilian that caught a stray bullet, this would still have been a targeted attack.

    As it is, eight Hezbollah militants have died, and the one civilian injury was a Hezbollah militant’s daughter; killing a child was clearly not the intent.

    That’s a successful military operation.

  • HDThoreaun 2 days ago

    Yes? Watch the videos, people 3 feet away were completely unharmed.