borski 2 days ago

A 30g explosive going off in a device that is owned by a militant? Yes, that is limited, by definition.

Once again, people in that grocery store who were standing near the militant mostly walked away - you can see that on nearly every video that has been released.

A non-targeted attack would have been a rocket hitting the grocery store. This was, by definition, a targeted attack. Even if a person had stood there and shot the militant directly, and there had been a civilian that caught a stray bullet, this would still have been a targeted attack.

As it is, eight Hezbollah militants have died, and the one civilian injury was a Hezbollah militant’s daughter; killing a child was clearly not the intent.

That’s a successful military operation.

HDThoreaun 2 days ago

Yes? Watch the videos, people 3 feet away were completely unharmed.