Comment by lupusreal

Comment by lupusreal 2 days ago

9 replies

> But I think a general distinction is the targeting of combatants vs civilians

When Afghans took up arms against occupying American soldiers, they were routinely called terrorists in American press and media.

When Muslims fight America or Israel, they are called terrorists. When the situation is reversed, that label isn't applied.

sofixa 19 hours ago

Not only were they called terrorists, they were kidnapped to be tortured in Guantanamo like this kid (he was 15 when his father dragged him to Afghanistan, took part in a skirmish, and might have killed in action a US soldier):

stetrain 2 days ago

Right. "The definition of terrorism is controversial and political"

Although I mostly recall the word "insurgent" being used for local fighters in those cases.

gryzzly a day ago

You should read up about the difference between Muslims and Islamists and how bad the Islamists are for Islamic communities themselves.