Comment by lupusreal

Comment by lupusreal a day ago

5 replies

Let me guess, the ones you term to be "Islamists" are those who fight America or Israel.

Most of the Afghan fighters who took shots at American soldiers weren't motivated by some sort of boogieman religious extremism. They were simply shooting at armed foreigners who invaded their country. They weren't terrorists by any reasonable definition of the but were called so anyway because they happened to be Muslim and dared to defy America.

gryzzly a day ago

I term Islamists the ones who claim themselves to be Islamists – Islamist Republic of Iran, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas. It shows you have no idea what are you talking about.

gryzzly a day ago

and supporting the narrative pushed by the Islamists is harming the Muslims, resulting in Islamophobia. The fact you are mixing the two terms to simply "mark these who attack America" is actually really bad for the normal people affiliated with Islam.

golergka a day ago
