Comment by skc

Comment by skc 2 days ago

16 replies

Imagine the paranoia that must be flooding Hezbollah right now. You can't function without your electronics...but you can't trust them at all now.

You don't even know how many or which of your gadgets have been compromised to spy on you and for how long.

Massive, massive L.

0cf8612b2e1e 2 days ago

The actual body count could be zero and it would still be devastating.

I could even believe the supply chain infiltration was fake and radios were manually replaced day of the attack with a crude timer. Anything to give the appearance of omnipotence.

pvaldes 2 days ago

replace all the batteries right now? remove it from every one of your devices and wait some hours to see if other devices explode?

kklisura 2 days ago

On the other hand: isn't risk to this enormous? What if they just abandon all electronics and conduct their _business_ "off grid"? Good luck tracking that down...

  • doodlebugging 2 days ago

    I'm probably wrong but I think I remember that part of the reason the Oct 7 attacks worked so well was due to Hamas' avoiding known signals intelligence gathering operations by using hand-carried notes and keeping it all low-tech. They planned and trained in the open but never let it slip on commonly monitored media that they were about to do anything.

    That was Hamas, not Hezbollah so maybe the latter didn't learn the lesson and left themselves open to this type of attack or retribution, depending on your individual perspective.

    This may push things back to pencil and paper and sneaker-nets. It'll probably be a brief adaptation though since the temptation of technology is very real.

  • robertlagrant 2 days ago

    If that were better or as good, they'd already be doing it. It's pretty obvious that would massively disrupt them.

newspaper1 2 days ago

Massive, massive L for Israel. No one in their right mind is going to use Israeli tech or products going forward. They just devastated their own economy.

  • Eliezer 2 days ago

    These weren't Israeli products. If I were Mossad, I'd compromise anything except an Israeli or Jewish-owned product.

    • anigbrowl 2 days ago

      That's beside the point, though. Imagine you are in some non-aligned/involved country with no real stake in MENA politics, idk Thailand or Peru. Corporate/national security is your job. Absent some specific need that can't be supplied by anyone else, would you want to do business with them?

  • atemerev 2 days ago

    Depends on which side you are on.

    • mardifoufs 2 days ago

      I mean regardless of which side you're on, you still wouldn't want to end up with a product that has a bomb in it by accident, even if it wasn't targeted against you.