Eliezer 2 days ago

These weren't Israeli products. If I were Mossad, I'd compromise anything except an Israeli or Jewish-owned product.

  • anigbrowl 2 days ago

    That's beside the point, though. Imagine you are in some non-aligned/involved country with no real stake in MENA politics, idk Thailand or Peru. Corporate/national security is your job. Absent some specific need that can't be supplied by anyone else, would you want to do business with them?

atemerev 2 days ago

Depends on which side you are on.

  • mardifoufs 2 days ago

    I mean regardless of which side you're on, you still wouldn't want to end up with a product that has a bomb in it by accident, even if it wasn't targeted against you.

    • atemerev 2 days ago


      • mardifoufs 2 days ago

        Yeah, I'm sure that Israel is just so good that every single device didn't end up being owned by any one else.

        I mean Israel is really really good at avoiding collateral damage (according to Israel), so everyone who's on the receiving end of this was Hezbollah (according to Mossad). I mean, they do have the most humanitarian army in the world after all (according to the IDF casualty reports)

      • I-M-S 2 days ago

        Are you a citizen of Lebanon?