datameta 2 days ago

Whether terror is an intended effect or not, Israel is engaging in it.

Perhaps in the scheme of things as far as military operations are concerned this is "low" collateral damage. But if 3000+ people were wounded that means potentially tens of thousands experienced the traumatic event of explosives going off in a public space. And hundreds more are mourning family.

  • golergka 2 days ago


    • nielsbot 2 days ago

      > OK, so this conversation is at the stage where killing terrorists is bad

      Talking about civilians here. Unless you're saying all Lebanese are terrorists?

      > I understand that israeli lives don't count for much in this conversation

      Based on...?

      • golergka a day ago

        No, we are not talking about civilians. We are talking about Hezbollah members. Pagers and walkie talkies purchased by terrorist organisation do not end up in civilian hands.

OutOfHere 2 days ago

> This was a deliberate targeting of terrorists,

Negative. Anyone can use a pager or a walkie talkie. If this were to have happened in say the US, it would 100% be considered not only terrorism, but an act of war.

  • Ancapistani 2 days ago

    > Anyone can use a pager or a walkie talkie.

    Israel is not targeting "pagers and walkie talkies".

    They are targeting pagers and walkie talkies specifically ordered, paid for, and supplied to individuals by Hezbollah.

  • orionsbelt 2 days ago

    Who is using a pager or walkie talking in 2024? I will admit there was maybe a few bystanders standing too close to a Hezbollah member, but how many non-Hezbollah members do you think really had one of these pagers? Keep in mind Israel also does surveillance and probably tracked where they went. If it turns out a material % of these were owned by civilians, I might agree with you, but I suspect that’s not the case.

    • anigbrowl 2 days ago

      I own walkie talkies. So does any large retail store in the US, they're given to staff to communicate. Every film set with more than 10 crew members uses them. I could go on. I'm amazed people come to a web community about technology to broadcast such ignorance.

      • djohnston 2 days ago

        Did you buy your walkie talkie in a batch shipment with Hezbollah?

        • anigbrowl a day ago

          No, and HN is not the place for such dumb snark. Maybe you'd be happier on Titter or Reddit.

    • OutOfHere 2 days ago

      Just because you don't know of legitimate uses of a walkie doesn't mean they don't exist. A walkie can work independent of a cell phone network, which makes it uniquely useful for numerous applications. Not everyone can afford a cell phone bill.

      • anthk 2 days ago

        For instance, emergencies at the countryside/wilderness. Or Firefighters.

    • anthk 2 days ago

      In the 3rd world, any hospital.

  • deepsun 2 days ago

    But those were not any random public pagers. They were custom made, ordered specifically for their internal operations.

  • [removed] 2 days ago
  • HDThoreaun 2 days ago

    These were pagers sold to Hezbollah though, not random pagers.