Comment by OutOfHere

Comment by OutOfHere 2 days ago

12 replies

> This was a deliberate targeting of terrorists,

Negative. Anyone can use a pager or a walkie talkie. If this were to have happened in say the US, it would 100% be considered not only terrorism, but an act of war.

Ancapistani 2 days ago

> Anyone can use a pager or a walkie talkie.

Israel is not targeting "pagers and walkie talkies".

They are targeting pagers and walkie talkies specifically ordered, paid for, and supplied to individuals by Hezbollah.

orionsbelt 2 days ago

Who is using a pager or walkie talking in 2024? I will admit there was maybe a few bystanders standing too close to a Hezbollah member, but how many non-Hezbollah members do you think really had one of these pagers? Keep in mind Israel also does surveillance and probably tracked where they went. If it turns out a material % of these were owned by civilians, I might agree with you, but I suspect that’s not the case.

  • anigbrowl 2 days ago

    I own walkie talkies. So does any large retail store in the US, they're given to staff to communicate. Every film set with more than 10 crew members uses them. I could go on. I'm amazed people come to a web community about technology to broadcast such ignorance.

    • djohnston 2 days ago

      Did you buy your walkie talkie in a batch shipment with Hezbollah?

      • anigbrowl a day ago

        No, and HN is not the place for such dumb snark. Maybe you'd be happier on Titter or Reddit.

  • OutOfHere 2 days ago

    Just because you don't know of legitimate uses of a walkie doesn't mean they don't exist. A walkie can work independent of a cell phone network, which makes it uniquely useful for numerous applications. Not everyone can afford a cell phone bill.

    • anthk 2 days ago

      For instance, emergencies at the countryside/wilderness. Or Firefighters.

deepsun 2 days ago

But those were not any random public pagers. They were custom made, ordered specifically for their internal operations.

[removed] 2 days ago
HDThoreaun 2 days ago

These were pagers sold to Hezbollah though, not random pagers.