Comment by gradschoolfail

Comment by gradschoolfail 2 days ago

9 replies

Btw, i wasnt suggesting that you pair HN with EtOH like tptacek does — loading up on a few yt rhymes should achieve the same effect for you? Conviviality without killing any brain cells..

Blonde is americain? The tattooed guy, alpine accent?

082349872349872 2 days ago

Both austrian: Gina Lampl and Albert-Mario Lampel

The singers rotate pretty frequently, but the core of their line up has stayed reasonably constant since they were much younger:

tptacek 2 days ago

Hey. I paired a block party with HN. I do not generally pair HN and drinking!

  • gradschoolfail 2 days ago

    Aah pls pardon the calumny! (I enjoyed the few times when you were somewhat explicit about taking a choice cut of the truth, presumably encouraged by diluted ethanol)

    • tptacek 2 days ago

      secret tip: if I'm posting between 6PM and 10PM on Friday or Saturday, (a) make fun of me for posting on Friday or Saturday night, and (b) i've probably had something high-proof to drink. I only drink on weekends, which is awesome and everyone should try it.

      • 082349872349872 a day ago

        before we can accurately mock, we'll need to know your exact time zone...

        (I'm guessing North America?)