Comment by oneshtein

Comment by oneshtein 2 days ago

4 replies

Why we should prefer the GR model, which lacks mapping from the model back to physical reality, over a physical explanation? It's clear that GR is wrong in case of black hole, because mass CAN escape black holes[1], while GR says that nothing can escape black hole after crossing of event horizon, because of [internal implementation of their model] nonsense.


Vecr 2 days ago

Internal model implementations? You mean the speed of light?

  • oneshtein a day ago

    OpenGL can predict nice images about black holes. Thus, our Universe is just a frame buffer (array [x,y,z;t]), while gravitation is not a force but a shader.

    Sorry, our Universe is just a spacetime (array [x,y,z;t]), while gravitation is not a force but a curvature of spacetime.

    • Vecr 12 hours ago

      You need some sort of relativity to explain the Michelson–Morley result.

      • oneshtein 8 hours ago

        LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA are better versions of Michelson-Morley experiment, isn't?