breerbgoat 2 days ago

"vassals" is a common phrase/tactic used by netizens in China to try to drive a wedge between US and rest of its allies. Nevermind that they never mention their allies like Russia or Brazil/Italy who seeks economic alignment as vassals.

  • Intralexical 2 days ago

    I think some number of them are probably just legitimately psychopaths living in the West. Though maybe they latch onto the term after hearing it as a PRC talking point. If you genuinely can't imagine mutually beneficial positive relationships based on consent, then it's only natural that seeing the US work together with so many other countries would be scary and look like "US & vassals".

    "A billion people" and "thousands year old civilization" are also Chinese talking points I've noticed. Hence why I included it in my comment, to both call out the really degrading "vassals" narrative and also point out these dictatorships aren't as special as they like to pretend.

isr 2 days ago


  • dragonwriter a day ago

    > Japan, Germany, are effectively still occupied.

    No, they aren't. Having allied forces deployed on your soil by mutual agreement is not occupation.

    > Once a US base gets established in your territory, you can never get it out.

    There are quite a long list of counterexamples; the US has closed lots of overseas bases (both in countries that remain on good terms with the US and in those where the relationship soured.)

    > Just ask the Iraqi's.

    "Iraqis", and the US closed large numbers of Iraqi bases in the 2020-2021 drawdown and the US and Iraq are currently (last I checked) in discussions on a complete drawdown of US military presence which would close the remaining bases.

  • pragmomm 2 days ago

    I would encourage you, if you claimed so in this thread that you are a US and UK citizen, to quickly move out of US and renounce your US citizenship. So the torture and rage that you're displaying here and the paradox of your identity doesn't drive you insane. Also you should renounce your UK citizenship, as UK and US are very close allies. Maybe try moving to Russia? I heard they're having another military mobilization, and is paying pretty well.

    • isr 2 days ago


      • pragmomm 2 days ago

        Just people who can't seem to understand that the world isn't black or white, but shades of gray.

  • Intralexical a day ago

    > Once a US base gets established in your territory, you can never get it out.


    Phillipines too:

    They are going back currently, as they're invited to. You know, because that's how consent works, when you don't see everyone else as objects in a conspiracy.

    Actually, the US just finished leaving Niger this week: