Comment by Intralexical

Comment by Intralexical 2 days ago

6 replies

I think some number of them are probably just legitimately psychopaths living in the West. Though maybe they latch onto the term after hearing it as a PRC talking point. If you genuinely can't imagine mutually beneficial positive relationships based on consent, then it's only natural that seeing the US work together with so many other countries would be scary and look like "US & vassals".

"A billion people" and "thousands year old civilization" are also Chinese talking points I've noticed. Hence why I included it in my comment, to both call out the really degrading "vassals" narrative and also point out these dictatorships aren't as special as they like to pretend.

isr 2 days ago


  • Intralexical a day ago


    • dang a day ago

      You can't post like this here. Since I believe you have a long history of abusing HN, and have reverted to doing so again, I've banned the account.

      If you don't want to be banned, you're welcome to email and give us reason to believe that you'll follow the rules in the future. They're here:

    • isr a day ago


      • dang a day ago

        You broke the site guidelines extremely badly and repeatedly in this thread. We have to ban accounts that do that, regardless of how other commenters may be behaving.

        I'm not going to ban you right now because it doesn't look like we've warned you before, but please make sure to stay on the right side of the guidelines in the future—especially because this isn't the first time you've broken them. (For example, comments like and are also unacceptable.)

        • isr a day ago

          dang, seriously. What is wrong with those posts you linked to. Please take a look at them yourself, and tell me. Genuinely asking.

          Whenever I've engaged on this topic (not just this thread), there seems to be an unwritten rule somewhere that absolutely any vile stuff is acceptable, no matter how debunked by journalists, as long as it's on one particular side of this narrative. And any pushback is abused, downvoted, etc.

          It seems almost impossible to present an anti-genocide case, on this site.

          That can't be right.